20th November 2022 |
Added Julidochromis marksmithi to the Fish Index.
26th October 2022 |
Added pictures to Fire and Ice Snakehead and Flameback Snakehead profiles.
21st October 2022 |
Added a link to SHOAL - a freshwater fish conservation initiative that's well worth supporting for any aquarium fish enthusiast.
18th October 2022 |
Updates to Pufferfish names in the Fish Index.
11th October 2022 |
Updated the Links page to remove dead links.
8th October 2021 |
Updates to code to improve compatibility and layout - the first of many to follow...
14th May 2017 |
Minor edits to Malawi Mbuna article.
31st August 2015 |
Started some long-overdue updates of My Tanks section with Wolf Cichlid tank.
24th March 2015 |
Three new pufferfish profiles added to the Puffers section.
21st December 2014 |
Five new fish profiles for the Cyprinid section: four barbs and the White Cloud Mountain Minnow.
15th November 2014 |
Updates and new photos for two Killifish profiles.
28th September 2014 |
Five new fish profiles for the Cyprinid section: four loaches and the Borneo Red Fin Silver Shark.
25th August 2014 |
Minor updates to the Fish Index section, including a new photo for the Red Line Torpedo Barb.
9th July 2014 |
Updates to scientific names in the Cyprinid section.
25th March 2014 |
Cichlid sections in the Fish Index moved to new page locations, with some minor updates: Malawi Cichlids,
Tanganyika Cichlids, Dwarf Cichlids, American Cichlids.
28th July 2013 |
Minor updates to the Water Chemistry section.
27th July 2013 |
Updates to the Lighting page.
29th September 2012 |
Updated the Links page.
29th July 2012 |
Updated the Site Map.
26th July 2012 |
Added an article on the Big Fish Campaign.
8th August 2011 |
Forum upgraded to New Version of software.
14th July 2011 |
Minor updates to the Fish Index.
22nd December 2010 |
Article on Old Tank Syndrome added to the Water Chemistry section.
17th December 2010 |
Three new plant species profiles added to the Plant Directory:
Anubias barteri, Lilaeopsis brasiliensis,
Pogostemon helferi.
22nd November 2010 |
The species profiles in the Plant Directory have been revamped,
more species and photos will be added soon.
7th November 2010 |
Finished updates and additions to the Product Info section.
5th November 2010 |
Updates and additions to the External Filters section of Product Info.
31st October 2010 |
Started updates to the Product Info section of the Library, starting with
Internal Filters.
4th October 2010 |
Updates to the Plant Directory and new picture added to Red Tiger Lotus.
3rd October 2010 |
A new section for Freshwater Shrimp added to the Fish Index.
20th September 2010 |
More minor updates to layout and content.
18th September 2010 |
Seven new species profiles added to the Dwarf Cichlids section.
29th August 2010 |
Minor updates.
22nd August 2010 |
New article on Feeding Tropical Fish added to the library.
3rd August 2010 |
Updates to Links page.
24th June 2009 |
Updates to Links page.
7th June 2009 |
More plant species added to Light Requirements of Aquarium Plants.
General description added to the Dwarf Cichlids section.
24th September 2008 |
Added new article on Using Activated Carbon in the Aquarium to the Water Chemistry section.
7th August 2008 |
Five new profiles added to the Brackish Fish section: Sebae Mono,
Silver Scat, Large-Scaled Archerfish,
African Mudskipper and Indian Mudskipper.
18th June 2008 |
New full-length article added on Keeping Rainbowfish.
17th May 2008 |
New photos added for Red-Striped rainbowfish,
and new profile for Western Rainbowfish.
16th May 2008 |
Complete site redesign uploaded! All existing content slotted into a new and more consistant format.
17th September 2006 |
Added profile for Leiarius pictus (Sailfin marbled catfish).
3rd May 2006 |
The Tropical Tank's discussion forum moved to a new php board: New Forum
9th April 2006 |
Added profile for Papyrocranus afer (Marbled Knifefish).
8th March 2006 |
Continued updates to formatting in general areas of the site.
22nd February 2006 |
Continued updates to formatting and content in general areas of the site.
20th February 2006 |
Began updates to formatting and content in general areas of the site.
15th February 2006 |
Completed updates to formatting and profiles in the Characins section
of the Fish Index.
Completed updates to formatting and profiles in the Cyprinids section
of the Fish Index.
Completed updates to formatting and minor updates to profiles in the Miscellaneous section
of the Fish Index.
8th February 2006 |
Completed updates to formatting and minor updates to profiles in the Catfish section
of the Fish Index.
Added new photo to the Shark Catfish page.
Updated formatting on the Fishkeeping Quiz pages.
7th February 2006 |
Began updates to formatting and minor updates to profiles in the Catfish section
of the Fish Index.
5th February 2006 |
Completed updates to formatting and minor updates to profiles in the Tanganyikan Cichlid section
of the Fish Index.
Added a new page to the Tanganyikan Cichlid section regarding the genus name Lamprologus.
Updates to formatting and minor updates to profiles in the Malawi Cichlid section
of the Fish Index.
Updates to formatting and minor updates to profiles in the Anabantids section
of the Fish Index.
2nd February 2006 |
Began updates to formatting and minor updates to profiles in the Tanganyikan Cichlid section
of the Fish Index.
1st February 2006 |
Updates to formatting and minor updates to profiles in the Dwarf Cichlid section
of the Fish Index.
Updates to formatting and minor updates to profiles in the American Cichlid section
of the Fish Index.
25th January 2006 |
New species profile added for Mono (Monodactylus argenteus).
Minor alterations to home page.
24th January 2006 |
Updates to formatting and minor updates to profiles in the Rainbowfish section
of the Fish Index.
23rd January 2006 |
Updates to profiles and re-formatting of the Livebearer section
of the Fish Index.
22nd January 2006 |
After a long absence due to other commitments, I am hoping to begin updating and re-vamping various parts of the site!
28th March 2005 |
Minor updates.
2nd March 2005 |
Minor updates.
10th Feb 2005 |
Update to Tank Setups section.
19th November 2004 |
Better photo added to Glowlight tetra page.
18th November 2004 |
New profile added for Scat (Scatophagus argus)
17th November 2004 |
Changes to sections within site - Product info and miscellaneous 'Fishy Stuff' section incorporated into
Article Library.
16th November 2004 |
New profile added for Thin Bar Tigerfish, Datnioides undecimradiatus
12th August 2004 |
The Siamese Tigerfish page in the Miscellaneous section
of the Fish Index updated. New profile added for New Guinea Tigerfish
20th July 2004 |
The Polypterid page in the Miscellaneous section
of the Fish Index updated due to moving information about other Polypterus species to The Tropical Tank's
new specialised sister website, Polypterus.info
12th July 2004 |
Added a Guide to Aquarium Fish Magazines to the Library.
Site Map updated.
9th July 2004 |
Full-length article on Polypterus added to Library.
7th July 2004 |
Major update to Tank Setups section. Structure of Visitors Tanks
page changed and second page of tanks added.
30th June 2004 |
Updates to Tank Setups section.
29th June 2004 |
Updates to the Siamese Tigerfish profiles in the Miscellaneous section
of the Fish Index.
20th April 2004 |
New article on Moving House with Fish added to the Miscellaneous section of
the Library.
15th April 2004 |
Updates to fish profiles in the Miscellaneous section
of the Fish Index.
13th April 2004 |
Two new Puffer profiles (Figure-8 and Red-tailed redeye puffer) added to the Puffers section
of the Fish Index.
New photos added to the Mbu puffer and Dwarf puffer pages.
28th March 2004 |
Updates to the Plant Directory pages, 3 new photos added.
27th February 2004 |
Updates to the Links page
11th February 2004 |
Review and update of the Rainbowfish section.
10th February 2004 |
Two new photos added to the Rainbowfish section.
3rd February 2004 |
New photos added to the Malawi Mbuna articles
22nd December 2003 |
Seven new profiles added to the Malawi section of the Fish Index.
New photos added to Severum and Synodontis waterloti profiles.
10th December 2003 |
Three new profiles added to the Cyprinids section of the Fish Index -
Tinfoil barb, Red Line Torpedo barb and Red Scissortail.
9th December 2003 |
Three new profiles added to the Anabantids section of the Fish Index -
Giant gourami, Giant red fin gourami and Moonlight gourami.
8th December 2003 |
Updates to all profiles in the Anabantids section of the Fish Index -
new photos added to the Pearl Gourami and Three Spot Gourami profiles.
New photo of male Apistogramma nijsseni added.
7th December 2003 |
Updates to all profiles in the Cyprinids section of the Fish Index -
new/improved photos added to the profiles for Red-finned shark, Tiger barb and Rosy barb.
4th December 2003 |
Four new photos added to the Cichlid section of the Fish Index
(Ps. acei, firemouth, blue acara, black calvus).
21st October 2003 |
Update to the Tanganyika cichlids in the Cichlid section of the Fish Index
- six new species added with photos.
14th October 2003 |
Update to the Julidochromis fishes in the Cichlid section of the Fish Index
- two new species added plus new photos and other updates.
13th October 2003 |
Major update to the Cichlid section of the Fish Index - subdivided into Malawi, Tanganyika,
Dwarf and Other Cichlids.
Minor updates to other areas of the Fish Index.
29th September 2003 |
Updates to the External Filters page in the Product info section.
Updates to Tank Setups section.
6th September 2003 |
New Site Search facility added.
14th May 2003 |
New photo added to Knife Livebearer page.
22nd April 2003 |
Updates to Tank Setups section.
17th April 2003 |
The site has now been changed over to a new format using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). What this means for the moment
is that the text size is larger and more readable, links change colour when the mouse hovers over them, internal (on site)
links are not underlined, but external links are (or will be when I've finished changing them).
14th April 2003 |
New article on Culturing Microworms added to the Library.
Details on Columnaris and Neon Tetra Disease to the Health and Disease section.
9th April 2003 |
Updates to the Algae page.
7th April 2003 |
Updates to the Links page, all broken links removed or flagged.
24th March 2003 |
Minor updates and additions to the Catfish and other sections of the Fish Index.
19th March 2003 |
Finally, a brand new Guestbook has been added!
18th March 2003 |
Updates to the External Filters page in the Product info section.
Updates to the Puffers and Polypterids sections.
17th March 2003 |
New in-depth review of aquarium Water Conditioners and updates to the
Lighting page in the Product info section.
Updates to the profile for the Siamese Tigerfish
in the Fish Index.
11th March 2003 |
Two Puffer profiles updated, and new
photos of Green Puffer added.
23rd January 2003 |
Profile for Black piranha added to Fish Index.
Profile for Black pacu and
Red pacu updated, and new photos added.
21st January 2003 |
Profile for Hatchetfish and
Pink-Tailed Chalceus updated, and new photos added.
13th January 2003 |
New photos of Glass Catfish added.
9th January 2003 |
Profile for Spotted climbing perch updated
and new photo added.
3rd January 2003 |
Updates to the Links page.
16th December 2002 |
Two new photos added to the Fish Index -
Threadfin Rainbow and Garpike
15th December 2002 |
Two new Cichlid profiles added to the
Fish Index, plus updates to other profiles.
26th November 2002 |
Updates to Tank Setups section.
17th November 2002 |
Updates to the Links page.
New article on using pure water in the aquarium added to the Water Chemistry section.
2nd November 2002 |
New Eheim Aquaball filters added to the Internal filters
page in the Product info section.
23rd September 2002 |
Two new tank pictures added to the Friends and Visitors Tank Setups section.
28th August 2002 |
A temporary page has been added, in place of the guestbook, which has been withdrawn by the
provider - I will be seeking a new one. The old one can still be viewed here.
15th August 2002 |
Three new Cyprinid fish profiles added to the
Fish Index, plus updates to other profiles.
13th August 2002 |
Minor updates to Malawi cichlid profiles, and addition
of link to general Malawi mbuna cichlids section.
New photo of Cherry Barb added to the Fish Index.
12th August 2002 |
Recommended Community Fish section updated and revamped,
with additional photos.
Three new Puffer profiles added to the
Fish Index.
1st August 2002 |
Brand new articles on Malawi mbuna cichlids added.
Minor updates to the Fish Index and other areas.
22nd July 2002 |
Sitemap updated.
1st July 2002 |
Updates to the Links page.
21st June 2002 |
Updates to Tank Setups section - new Friends and Visitors tanks.
20th June 2002 |
Updates to Tank Setups section.
New sub-page on Vacuuming the substrate added to Water Changes page.
Revisions to parts of Water Chemistry section.
13th June 2002 |
Updates to Tank Setups section.
12th June 2002 |
Updates to Links page.
Updates to the Health and Disease section.
Updates to the Filters page.
30th May 2002 |
Updates to Tank Setups section.
New photo of Wolf fish added to the Fish Index.
Updates to Links page.
14th May 2002 |
New photos added to the Fish Index -
Polypterus palmas, Leaf fish and Elephantnose.
12th May 2002 |
Revisions to Product info section.
8th May 2002 |
Finally updated my own tanks in the Tank Setups section!
30th April 2002 |
Spec's for Eheim Pro-II and Wet/Dry filters added to External canisters page.
29th April 2002 |
Updates to Links page.
12th April 2002 |
Updates to Links page, including updated URL's.
10th April 2002 |
Updates to Hardness, pH
and Basic Cycling pages.
An example of a Fishless cycle added to the Cycling articles.
Added a link from the homepage to our online petition against painted/dyed fish.
31st March 2002 |
Updates to the Tank Capacities page, to include data on both UK and US
standard tank sizes.
Page on Ich/Whitespot updated.
Sitemap updated.
13th March 2002 |
Added the Bronze/Albino cory and
Zebra loach to the Fish Index.
New photos added to the Fish Index -
Ram cichlid, Bristlenose catfish and cardinal tetras.
11th March 2002 |
Added the Lake Kutubu Rainbow and
Red Rainbow to the Rainbowfish section.
Added new photos to the Boeseman's Rainbow and
Banded Rainbow pages.
9th March 2002 |
'Colour temperatures' (K) added to the Fluorescent Lighting
page in Product info
25th February 2002 |
Article on Snails added to the Beginner section.
Added new photos to the Pakistan loach and
Julidochromis marlieri page.
13th February 2002 |
Updates and revisions to the Fish Index
7th February 2002 |
Article on Cloudy water problems added to the Beginner section.
6th February 2002 |
Revisions and updates to several Library articles.
Beginner section re-organised to make links to articles
about common problems more easily accessible.
2nd January 2002 |
Minor revisions and updates to Library section.
18th December 2001 |
8 new photos added to the Fish Index,
including Zebra plec, Jack Dempsey and Red-bellied piranha.
4 new photos added to the Plant Directory.
17th December 2001 |
Updates toLinks page.
4th December 2001 |
Links page updated.
8th November 2001 |
Added two more diseases to the Health and Disease section.
1st November 2001 |
Added a new page to the Plants section on Lighting Requirements for different species.
24th October 2001 |
Added a new picture of the Green spotted puffer.
Links page updated.
Several minor updates to various pages.
2nd October 2001 |
Recommended Community Fish and non-community fish pages in the Beginner section updated and revamped.
Minor revision of Basics of Cycling page.
25th September 2001 |
A new article on Understanding Scientific Names for fish added to the Library.
24th September 2001 |
A new forum for Plants and Aquarium Equipment added to the Discussion Forum
Several new Links added, including a new links section
for Pets and Wildlife Rescue and Conservation Organisations.
20th September 2001 |
Additions to the Airpumps, Internal and External filters pages in the Product Info section.
12th September 2001 |
New tank setup added to the Tank Setups section.
Additions to the Recommended Books section.
Update to my little Fishkeeping biography page.
10th September 2001 |
The Polypterids section of the
FishIndex re-arranged and updated.
Profiles for 3 more puffers added to the Pufferfish page.
9th September 2001 |
Two new tank setups added to the Tank Setups section.
16th August 2001 |
Further updates to the Polypterids section of the
15th August 2001 |
Two new tank setups added to the Tank Setups section.
Minor updates to the Polypterids section of the
2nd August 2001 |
3 new fish added to Cichlids section: Jack Dempsey,
Rainbow cichlid and Salvin's cichlid
Updates to the Tank Setups section.
31st July 2001 |
3 new fish added to Cyprinids section: Zebra danio,
Pakistan loach and Algae eater/Sucking loach
Updates to my tank setups in the Tank Setups section.
30th July 2001 |
3 new fish added to Miscellaneous section: Clown Knifefish,
Siamese Tigerfish and Nile Puffer
New page summarising freshwater and brackish Puffers added.
16th July 2001 |
Added a feature on London Aquarium to the Fishy Stuff section.
15th July 2001 |
Additions to the Powerheads page in the Product Info section.
6th July 2001 |
New tank picture added to the Tank Setups section.
19th June 2001 |
The brand new
Discussion Forum is now online, with a fast new advert-free board!.
14th June 2001 |
New tank pictures added to Tank Setups section.
4th June 2001 |
Fish suggestions page split into last years and this years suggestions, as the page was getting rather large!
Updates to the Powerheads and Internal Filters pages in the Product Info section.
Unfortunately, due to my very limited free time, there have been fewer updates to the site over
the past few months than previously. However, there are already around 200 pages of info here to
explore, and hopefully I will be finding time for more updates soon - encouraged
by the positive feedback I have received from visitors - many thanks!
14th May 2001 |
Added 4 new photos to the Fish Index: Silver Arowana,
Shark Catfish and a second Polypterus senegalus and Neon Dwarf Rainbow pic.
16th March 2001 |
More new tank pictures added to Tank Setups section.
Details of my new Rainbowfish also added to Tank Setups section.
8th March 2001 |
New tank pictures added to Tank Setups section.
7th February 2001 |
Several new Links added, including a new links section for public aquariums.
17th January 2001 |
More species added to Good Starter fish
3 new catfish added to Fish Index: Red-tailed catfish, Zebra plec
and Synodontis multipunctatus
10th January 2001 |
Updates and additions to My Tanks section.
Pictures of an adult Red-tailed catfish in an enormous 1500 gallon aquarium also added to
Tank Setups section.
8th January 2001 |
New Aquarium Links added.
11th December 2000 |
Details of my new Tanganyikan setup in the Tank Setups section.
A superb setup housing gars and polypterus also added to the Tank Setups section.
6th December 2000 |
Added new photos to the Fish Index: Asian Arowana and Firemouth cichlid.
Updates to my Malawi and Polypterus tank setups in the Tank Setups section.
23rd November 2000 |
Added new photos to the Fish Index: severum, ropefish, harlequin and rummy tetra.
Extra photos also added to Molly, Platy, Dwarf gourami and Synodontis decorus pages.
10th November 2000 |
Added a new tank setup pic to the Tank Setups section.
9th November 2000 |
Added five new tetras to the Characins section.
8th November 2000 |
More new Links added.
7th November 2000 |
Added Pacus and Freshwater Barracuda to the Characins section.
3rd November 2000 |
Reorganised Links page into categories, and added a few new ones.
2nd November 2000 |
Added discus, parrot cichlid and severum to the Cichlids section.
27th October 2000 |
Added new boards to the Discussion Forum and I am now
seeking experienced fishkeepers/moderators to provide good coverage of different areas of fishkeeping.
26th October 2000 |
Added 5 new Tanganyikan cichlids to the Cichlids section.
Completed minor updates to layout of Fish Index.
25th October 2000 |
Added a Fishkeeping Biography of how I got into this absorbing hobby!.
Minor updates to Catfish section.
24th October 2000 |
Added a summary table of algae-eating fish to the Algae article.
Made several minor updates to content and layout of Library articles.
19th October 2000 |
Added Dwarf Pencilfish, Pink-Tailed Chalceus and Red-Bellied Piranha to the Characins section.
18th October 2000 |
Added Paradise fish and Knife Livebearer
to the Fish Index
Added a new article to the Water Chemistry section: Test kits - which do you need?
17th October 2000 |
Added Pseudotropheus acei and Copadochromis borleyi
to Cichlids section
16th October 2000 |
Added new Rainbowfish and Killifish
sections to the Fish Index.
13th October 2000 |
Reorganised conversion factors/calculators page into separate pages for length,
temperature and volume conversion.
Added info on fluorescent lighting for aquariums to Product Info section.
Updated navigation features in the Plant Directory and Fish Index sections
12th October 2000 |
Added several new photos to Cyprinids section, mainly of barbs plus
the 'true' Siamese Algae Eater and the very similar Flying Fox.
Improved navigation features on Library articles.
11th October 2000 |
Added new photos of Dwarf gourami and Kissing gourami
to Anabantids section
10th October 2000 |
Added several new photos to Characins section
Added several new photos to Cichlids section, including Tanganyikan and C. Americans
9th October 2000 |
Added several new photos to Livebearer section (guppies, mollies, platies, swordtails)
6th October 2000 |
Updated Links page.
Added a Feedback form, to gather comments to help improve this site.
5th October 2000 |
Added new photos to Fish Index section including Otocinclus,
Clown loaches and Polypterus polli
Added a photo of Indian Fern to the Plant Directory.
Added an additional navigation bar to the bottom of each Library sections page to make getting around between sections easier.
3rd October 2000 |
Added a brand new Health and Disease section to Library.
Extensive re-arrangement of site structure, particularly Library section, to incorporate old Basic Info section and several new sections.
Added a special feature on the Blue Planet Aquarium, Ellesmere Port, UK.
2nd October 2000 |
Added Giant Freshwater Puffer to Miscellaneous fish section.
Several minor changes to layout and navigation features.