Tropical Fish Species Index
The ever-expanding Fish Index contains information on more than 150 Tropical Fish species, with photos of every species profiled.
Please select the family of tropical fish you are interested in, or use the A-Z by Common or Scientific name option below.
Anabantids/ Labyrinth fish (e.g. Bettas, Gouramies) |
Catfish (e.g. Corys, Plecs, Synodontis) |
Characins (e.g. Tetras, Dollars, Piranha) |
Cichlids (e.g. Oscar, Malawi's, Angelfish) |
Cypriniformes (e.g. Barbs, Loaches, Sharks) |
Livebearers (e.g. Guppies, Mollies, Platies) |
Rainbowfish (all rainbows) |
Miscellaneous Fish (e.g. Arowanas, Puffers) |
Brackish Fish (Monos, Scats, Puffers) |
List A-Z by Common name |
Shrimp (Freshwater Shrimp) |
List A-Z by Scientific name |
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