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Aquarium related sites that are well worth a visit for their useful or informative content...

All Tropical Fish - Marine Fish, Invertebrates & Freshwater Fish Provides information on saltwater fishkeeping, corals, invertebrates and freshwater fish. Offers fish forums, community, fish topsites list, article and photo upload, plus aquarium link exchange.
Badman's Tropical FishLoads of info here, nice layout and lots of interactivity.
Corydoras WorldA site devoted to the Corydoras catfish
FBASFederation of British Aquatic Societies
FishLink CentralA huge site full of aquarium resources
The KribWide range of info, specialising in aquatic plants and dwarf cichlids
Loaches onlineAn excellent resource for everything on loaches
OATAWebsite of the Ornamental Aquatics Trade Association
Planet CatfishA superb resource dedicated to all things catfish related, huge image library
Practical Fishkeeping magazineAn excellent website to complement the UK's top fishkeeping magazine
Polypterus.infoThe Tropical Tank's sister site dedicated to the Polypterids (Bichirs and Ropefish)
ScotCatA nicely designed site presenting an excellent resource on catfish
The Cichlid Fishes of Lake Malawi, AfricaLots of info on Lake Malawi, its cichlids and other fishes
SHOALAn innovative approach to freshwater fish conservation
The Skeptical AquaristAn excellent website, with plenty of well-researched articles and a very healthy philosophy towards fishkeeping!
Wharf AquaticsIf you live in the UK, my local aquatic store Wharf Aquatics comes highly recommended! Voted the UK's Best Aquatic Retailer six times! (by the Readers of Practical Fishkeeping magazine)




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The Tropical Tank Copyright © 2000-2022 Sean Evans This website was last updated on 20th November 2022