Photos © Sean Evans
Common name: | Elephantnose, Peter's elephantnose |
Scientific name: | Gnathonemus petersii |
Synonyms: | (none) |
Size: | 8" (20cm) |
Origin: | Africa: Cameroon, Nigeria, Congo (formerly Zaire) |
Tank setup: | Larger tank (3ft/90cm minimum) with plenty of hiding places, sandy substrate. |
Compatibility: | Can be territorial with their own kind. Generally compatible in the larger community tank. |
Temperature: | 22-28oC (72-82oF) |
Water chemistry: | Fairly soft, slightly acidic (pH 6.0-7.0) ideally. |
Feeding: | An omnivore which prefers live foods, but will take frozen foods, and possibly flake. |
Sexing: | Unknown |
Breeding: | Unknown |
Comments: |
G. petersii is the most commonly available of several species of elephantnose.
The 'trunk' is used for hunting small food organisms, a soft substrate is necessary to prevent
injury to the snout. These fish have a weak electric organ which they use for navigation. You must take great
care if you ever need to treat these fish, or a tank containing them, with a medication. They are sensitive to
several of the common treatments - read the product insert carefully.
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