Photos © Sean Evans
Common name: | South American Leaf Fish |
Scientific name: | Monocirrhus polyacanthus |
Synonyms: | (none) |
Size: | 4" (10cm) |
Origin: | Amazon (Peru) |
Tank setup: | A well planted mature tank, with very slow water movement. Best kept in a species tank. |
Compatibility: | Predatory, do not keep with small fishes. |
Temperature: | 22-25oC (72-77oF) |
Water chemistry: | Very soft and acidic (pH 6.-6.5). High quality essential. |
Feeding: | A carnivore, which is unlikely to accept anything other than live foods. |
Sexing: | The female is larger and deeper bodied. |
Breeding: | The male guards the eggs, which are laid on leaves or other flat surfaces. Eggs
hatch after 4 days. The fry may be cannibalistic. |
Comments: |
Adult fish are mainly piscivorous (feed on other fish), and hang motionless in the water waiting for prey. Frequent
small water changes and high quality filtration are essential.