Common name: | Cape Lopez Lyretail, Lyretail Killifish, Golden lyretail panchax |
Scientific name: | Aphyosemion australe |
Synonyms: | (none) |
Origin: | West Africa |
Size: | 2.5" (6cm), females smaller |
Recommended tank size: | 45 x 30cm (18 x 12") or larger, though smaller tanks are often used for spawning pairs. |
Tank setup: | Planted tank with subdued lighting and gentle circulation. A sandy substrate would be ideal, and the addition of leaves such as
Catappa, oak or beach would add a natural look to the decor as well as helping to provide the correct water chemistry. |
Compatibility: | Species tank or Community tank with small peaceful species only. |
Temperature: | 20-24oC (68-75oF) |
Water chemistry: | Soft and acidic (pH 5.5-7.0) |
Feeding: | Captive-bred fish will normally take dry foods such as flake and granules, supplement with small live and frozen foods. |
Sexing: | Males are more colourful and have extended finnage. |
Breeding: | Eggs will be scattered over fine leaved plants, hatching takes about two weeks. |
Comments: | Soft, acidic 'blackwater' conditions are ideal for this species. This can be achieved by filtration through peat, the addition
of commercial blackwater extracts and/or using bogwood and leaves as part of the decor. |