Silver and Speckled varieties
Photos taken at Wharf Aquatics, © Sean Evans
Common name: | Molly |
Scientific name: | Poecilia species, which may be P. latipinna (Sailfin Molly) or
hybrids and cultivated varieties of different Poecilia species. |
Synonyms: | (none) |
Size: | 4" (10cm), females slightly larger. |
Origin: | Southern USA |
Tank setup: | Hardwater community aquarium with tough plants. |
Compatibility: | Generally suitable for community tanks. |
Temperature: | 20-26oC (68-78oF) |
Water chemistry: | Hard and alkaline, pH 7.5-8.5, can also be kept in brackish conditions. |
Feeding: | Omnivorous: flake, frozen/live foods, algae, green food. |
Sexing: | Males have a large dorsal fin and a gonopodium (modified anal fin). |
Breeding: | Livebearers, up to 50 young are produced. Keep 2 or more females per male. |
Comments: |
These fish are often regarded as essentially brackish, but can thrive in fresh, brackish, or even
full marine conditions if acclimatised gradually. Although often considered beneficial, the addition
of salt to the water is not essential as long as the water is hard and alkaline. If salt is added, it
should ideally be marine salt, rather than general aquarium tonic salts. The tank should not however
be routinely salted if it is a mixed community containing soft water fishes.
Many colour varieties are available - including silver, mottled and speckled or "dalmation" varieties,
and the popular black molly.