Corydoras panda
Photos © Sean Evans
Common name: | Panda cory |
Scientific name: | Corydoras panda |
Synonyms: | (none) |
Size: | 2" (5cm) |
Origin: | South America: Peru |
Tank setup: | Planted tank, preferably with sandy substrate, or rounded gravel. |
Compatibility: | A peaceful community fish, keep in a group. |
Temperature: | 22-26oC (72-79oF) |
Water chemistry: | Soft to slightly hard, neutral water. |
Feeding: | Omnivore: sinking granular, wafer and pellet foods, supplemented with frozen/live foods. |
Sexing: | This species has been spawned in typical Corydoras fashion. |
Breeding: | Unknown |
Comments: |
This species has distinctive black patches around its eyes, giving rise to its name.
Should be kept as a small group, rather than alone or in pairs.
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