Photo taken at Wharf Aquatics
© Sean Evans
Common name: | Black Neon tetra, Calypso tetra |
Scientific name: | Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi |
Synonyms: | Megalamphodus axelrodi (not valid) |
Size: | 1.5-2" (4-5cm) |
Origin: | South America: Mato Grosso area of Brazil. |
Tank setup: | Planted tank, with open shoaling space. |
Compatibility: | A peaceful fish for a community tank with other similarly peaceful fish. |
Temperature: | 23-27oC (73-81oF) |
Water chemistry: | Not critical, but soft and slightly acidic preferred. |
Feeding: | Omnivorous: Flake, granules/micro-pellets and small live or frozen foods. |
Sexing: | Males slimmer, females have a deeper body. |
Breeding: | An egg-scatterer which spawns fairly readily, in open water. Eggs take just over a day to hatch. |
Comments: |
A hardy fish for the peaceful planted community aquarium. Adapts to a range of conditions, but soft, slightly
tannin-stained water will bring out the best colours.
Despite the common name, this is not a colour form or variant of the common Neon tetra, but a completely separate species.