Photos taken at Wharf Aquatics
© Sean Evans
Common name: | Black Widow tetra, Black tetra |
Scientific name: | Gymnocorymbus ternetzi |
Synonyms: | (none) |
Size: | Around 2" (5cm) or slightly larger. |
Origin: | South America: Brazil and Paraguay. |
Tank setup: | A planted tank, with open swimming space. |
Compatibility: | Generally a peaceful community fish - long-finned varieties may fall victim to fin nippers.
Occasionally known to nip the fins of other fish, but this is not normally a problem when kept as a shoal. |
Temperature: | 21-27oC (70-81oF) |
Water chemistry: | A wide range tolerated, but soft and slightly acidic (pH 6.0-7.0) prefered. |
Feeding: | Omnivorous: live, frozen and dry foods. |
Sexing: | Females are slightly larger with a rounder body. Males may show white spots on the tail fin. |
Breeding: | Eggs are scattered among fine-leaved plants and hatch in about a day. Being a typical egg scatterer,
the parents will eat the eggs if given the opportunity. |
Comments: |
An undemanding species which is often recommended for the beginner. A number of colour and long-finned
varieties have been produced.