Photo taken at Wharf Aquatics
© Sean Evans
Common name: | Red Eye tetra, Yellow-banded Moenkhausia |
Scientific name: | Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae |
Synonyms: | Tetragonopterus sanctaefilomenae (not valid) |
Size: | Up to 3" (7.5cm) |
Origin: | South America: Brazil and Paraguay. |
Tank setup: | Planted tank, with plenty of open shoaling space. |
Compatibility: | Community fish, but quite a lively and boisterous swimmer, so it is preferable not to mix it
with timid species. May nip fins of long-finned fish. |
Temperature: | 22-26oC (72-79oF) |
Water chemistry: | Not critical: soft to medium hard, pH 6.0-7.8. |
Feeding: | Omnivorous: most foods accepted, include a vegetable component. |
Sexing: | In adult fish or when ready to spawn, males will appear slimmer. |
Breeding: | An egg-scatterer which will spawn among fine plants or the roots of floating plants.
Eggs hatch in 1-2 days. |
Comments: |
A hardy community fish, which is an active swimmer and adapts to a range of water conditions.